Post by Wildfire Emissary on Jun 7, 2010 18:38:28 GMT 8
We do not allow posting of defamatory, obscene, threatening, profane and hateful messages. The administrators reserve the right to judge which posts fall under this category. We will not hesitate to ban or disable user accounts of offending posters. Likewise, violation of the posting guidelines below will also result to disabling of user account.
Creating a New Thread
STAY ON TOPIC. Be guided by the forum descriptions to make sure that you are starting a new topic in the correct forum.
LURK BEFORE YOU POST. To prevent double threads, use the Forum Search to look for existing threads that may be similar to the topic you want to start.
USE PROPER TITLE FORMAT. Remember to use proper capitalization, spelling, grammar and punctuation. Refrain from using ALL CAPS, *F_a_N_(_Y~T e X +* or txt msg 4mat in thread titles as they make the thread titles difficult to read.
BE SPECIFIC. When entering the thread title, use specific and descriptive subject lines so that the other members will know what your thread is all about without opening it. Check the MOD Thread if the forum has a thread labelling policy.
FLOODING IS NOT PERMITTED. Posting the same topic in more than one forum is considered as flooding. Post a topic only in the most appropriate forum.
CLASSIFIED ADS ARE DISCOURAGED. There are numerous websites which offer these services. It is best that you just post there your needs/wants.
Posting Messages
STAY ON TOPIC. Keep your comments and questions relevant to the focus of the thread so as not to waste other people's time. If you find an off-topic post, do not reply to it so as not to start an off-topic conversation. If you don't have anything to add to the discussion or just smileys, refrain from doing so.
TYPE MESSAGES PROPERLY. Refrain from posting using SMS language, ALL CAPS or ~F*a*n*C*y*_TeXt~ as it makes the posts difficult to read.
DO NOT ABUSE FONT PROPERTIES. Use only the bold/italic/foNT tags to emphasize something, not in your entire post.
INSERT SPACES AFTER PUNCTUATION MARKS. Always insert a space after a punctuation mark to make your post easy to read.
DO NOT ABUSE ELLIPSES. Ellipses are composed of only 3 or 4 dots and are used only when something is left out of a sentence, not as substitute for periods or a design cliché.
REFRAIN FROM POSTING LOOOOOONG MESSAGES. Aside from making it difficult for others to read the posts, it also ruins the layout of the page.
USE PRIVATE MESSAGES. If your post would only concern a number of people, it is best to send them a prvate message instead so as not to disturb and deviate from the flow of the discussion.
NO FLOODING. If you're the last poster in a thread, use the edit icon instead of posting messages consecutively.
REFRAIN FROM POSTING FULL TEXT OF ARTICLES. If you find an article that you'd like to share with others, just post a synopsis of the article then include a link to the article. Don't forget to cite the source so as to minimize risk of copyright lawsuit.
Quoting Posts
DO NOT QUOTE THE FIRST POST. It is already assumed that you are replying to the post of the thread starter. There's no need to quote his/her message, unless he/she brought up numerous issues and you're only replying to a couple of them.
QUOTE ONLY THE RELEVANT TEXT. Edit out the unnecessary text. Quote only the text that is directly applicable to your reply.
DO NOT QUOTE THE LAST POST OF A THREAD. Just address the poster so as not to be redundant.
DON'T INCLUDE IMAGES. It slows down the loading of the page.
CLOSE THE QUOTE TAGS. Remember that all Quote tags have a corresponding at the end of the message. Make sure that the message that should be in quotes is enclosed in the Quote tags.
Posting Images
USE IMAGES SPARINGLY. Unless they contribute to the discussion, avoid posting images as much as possible. If you do post an image, make sure its width does not exceed 450 pixels.
POST SMALL FILE SIZED IMAGES ONLY. Large images takes a while to load.
NO FLASH FILES PLEASE. Limit your images to .gif or .jpg files only.
Using Smileys
USE SMILEYS PROPERLY. Smileys help you convey your message to others. Accompany your posts with the proper smiley so as to avoid misunderstandings.
POSTING SMILEYS ONLY IS NOT ALLOWED. Aside from eating the bandwidth, it does not add anything to the discussion.
FLOODING A POST WITH SMILEYS IS DISCOURAGED. Refrain from posting too many smileys if one or two is enough to convey your message. It not only makes post difficult to read, it also eats up the bandwidth.
Deleting Posts
DELETE DOUBLE POSTS. If you find that your message was posted more than once, be responsible enough to delete the other post/s.
Creating a New Thread
STAY ON TOPIC. Be guided by the forum descriptions to make sure that you are starting a new topic in the correct forum.
LURK BEFORE YOU POST. To prevent double threads, use the Forum Search to look for existing threads that may be similar to the topic you want to start.
USE PROPER TITLE FORMAT. Remember to use proper capitalization, spelling, grammar and punctuation. Refrain from using ALL CAPS, *F_a_N_(_Y~T e X +* or txt msg 4mat in thread titles as they make the thread titles difficult to read.
BE SPECIFIC. When entering the thread title, use specific and descriptive subject lines so that the other members will know what your thread is all about without opening it. Check the MOD Thread if the forum has a thread labelling policy.
FLOODING IS NOT PERMITTED. Posting the same topic in more than one forum is considered as flooding. Post a topic only in the most appropriate forum.
CLASSIFIED ADS ARE DISCOURAGED. There are numerous websites which offer these services. It is best that you just post there your needs/wants.
Posting Messages
STAY ON TOPIC. Keep your comments and questions relevant to the focus of the thread so as not to waste other people's time. If you find an off-topic post, do not reply to it so as not to start an off-topic conversation. If you don't have anything to add to the discussion or just smileys, refrain from doing so.
TYPE MESSAGES PROPERLY. Refrain from posting using SMS language, ALL CAPS or ~F*a*n*C*y*_TeXt~ as it makes the posts difficult to read.
DO NOT ABUSE FONT PROPERTIES. Use only the bold/italic/foNT tags to emphasize something, not in your entire post.
INSERT SPACES AFTER PUNCTUATION MARKS. Always insert a space after a punctuation mark to make your post easy to read.
DO NOT ABUSE ELLIPSES. Ellipses are composed of only 3 or 4 dots and are used only when something is left out of a sentence, not as substitute for periods or a design cliché.
REFRAIN FROM POSTING LOOOOOONG MESSAGES. Aside from making it difficult for others to read the posts, it also ruins the layout of the page.
USE PRIVATE MESSAGES. If your post would only concern a number of people, it is best to send them a prvate message instead so as not to disturb and deviate from the flow of the discussion.
NO FLOODING. If you're the last poster in a thread, use the edit icon instead of posting messages consecutively.
REFRAIN FROM POSTING FULL TEXT OF ARTICLES. If you find an article that you'd like to share with others, just post a synopsis of the article then include a link to the article. Don't forget to cite the source so as to minimize risk of copyright lawsuit.
Quoting Posts
DO NOT QUOTE THE FIRST POST. It is already assumed that you are replying to the post of the thread starter. There's no need to quote his/her message, unless he/she brought up numerous issues and you're only replying to a couple of them.
QUOTE ONLY THE RELEVANT TEXT. Edit out the unnecessary text. Quote only the text that is directly applicable to your reply.
DO NOT QUOTE THE LAST POST OF A THREAD. Just address the poster so as not to be redundant.
DON'T INCLUDE IMAGES. It slows down the loading of the page.
CLOSE THE QUOTE TAGS. Remember that all Quote tags have a corresponding at the end of the message. Make sure that the message that should be in quotes is enclosed in the Quote tags.
Posting Images
USE IMAGES SPARINGLY. Unless they contribute to the discussion, avoid posting images as much as possible. If you do post an image, make sure its width does not exceed 450 pixels.
POST SMALL FILE SIZED IMAGES ONLY. Large images takes a while to load.
NO FLASH FILES PLEASE. Limit your images to .gif or .jpg files only.
Using Smileys
USE SMILEYS PROPERLY. Smileys help you convey your message to others. Accompany your posts with the proper smiley so as to avoid misunderstandings.
POSTING SMILEYS ONLY IS NOT ALLOWED. Aside from eating the bandwidth, it does not add anything to the discussion.
FLOODING A POST WITH SMILEYS IS DISCOURAGED. Refrain from posting too many smileys if one or two is enough to convey your message. It not only makes post difficult to read, it also eats up the bandwidth.
Deleting Posts
DELETE DOUBLE POSTS. If you find that your message was posted more than once, be responsible enough to delete the other post/s.